Letters to the Editor: September 10-16, 2020


The Editor:

My Biden supporter friends are not racists. The difference between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden is that you do have to imagine Trump is a racist while Biden has a long history of racist behavior.

In 1975, Biden bragged about his friendship with racist governor George Wallace and said that Democrats need another George Wallace. In 1977, Biden said that busing for the purpose of desegregation would cause his children to grow up in a racial jungle. In 1988, Biden praised segregationist John Stennis, who opposed Brown v. Board of Education with his Southern Manifesto, as “a man of character.” In 1994, Biden authored the crime law which led to the disproportionate mass incarceration of Black Americans. In 2006, Biden said of store clerks, “You can’t go to 7-Eleven or Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” In 2007, Biden said of Barack Obama, “You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate, bright and clean.” In 2010, Biden eulogized Senator Robert Byrd, a former exalted cyclops in the KKK, as a revered friend. In 2020, Biden said “you ain’t Black” if you don’t vote for him, the African American community is not diverse, and poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.

Trump is said to be a racist because of the Charlottesville “very fine people hoax.” The hoax relies on the “big lie” technique originated by Adolf Hitler. If you keep repeating a big lie, people will eventually believe it. Trump did not call neo-Nazis very fine people. In fact, he virulently denounced neo-Nazis many times after the Charlottesville protests. Truth is the mortal enemy of the big lie.

I support Trump because his policies create economic opportunity, he supports law enforcement, has secured the borders, his justice reform is correcting inequities caused by the 1994 Biden law, and Trump does not have a 45-year history of racist behavior.

Assigning horrible labels to a group of people because of how they vote is bigotry. I believe that my friends who support Joe Biden are not racists, neo-Nazis or KKK members. They are good people who are misinformed.

Dave Berry



The Editor:

From the September 3 Bellingham Herald article “Advisory board votes to declare racism a public health crisis in Whatcom County,” The Whatcom County Public Health Advisory Board base their decision on “research studies that … when they’ve controlled for all other factors, the only that remains is race.”

Some factors notably missing from the research are the effects of out-of-wedlock birth rates among Black people and the disproportionate number of Black children raised in single parent families; a trend that began with Democrat policies that rewarded behavior destructive to the Black family and encouraged by Black social justice leaders who despised the so-called white middle class lifestyle. From Black Lives Matter’s website, in part, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement…”

Also missing from the research are the pervasive effects on minority youth of inner city culture and the self-destructive personal choices that arise from it and that lead to violence, epidemic crime, poverty, government dependence and a permanent sense of victimhood, grievance and frustration.

Implementing racist policies that force the government to treat people differently based solely on the color of their skin will do nothing to help Black people. It will only serve to further divide people, create resentment and further entrench the failed leftist policies of the last 60 years.

White people will not help Black people by feeling guilty because they are white or by admitting to be racists when they’re not or trying to be allies or contributing to Black Lives Matter or voting Democrat. The only thing that will improve conditions in any community are wise personal choices made by individuals, modeled by parents and mentors and based on a proven system of values that, with hard work and persistence have made people of all races, past and present, succeed and live happy and productive lives.

What will help minority communities? To begin with, for the media to start telling the inspiring stories of the countless everyday folks of all colors who have made good choices, worked hard and succeeded and put them forward as the examples to follow.

Dan Rudolph



The Editor:

Living on a busy street, I have the pleasure of watching people walking alone, walking with their dogs, bicycling past … all wearing masks that match their bikes, their jackets, their dog’s leashes. I get a most beautiful fashion show most days of the week.

Back in the ’60s and ’70s we all wore T-shirts to show our sense of self and I am thinking all has changed in 2020 as masks now are replacing our individuality and the diverse conversations that our masks are creating. I believe that the mask is the new T-shirt.

Sitting in the emergency room with my gardening injury, a woman with beautiful gray hair walked in with a mask which matched her outfit. All eyes were on her and I noticed all the smiles on faces taking in this lovely individual coming into emergency with something wrapped around some sort of arm injury.

To those who choose not to wear a mask as they think it infringes on their liberation from religious, political or other individual beliefs, may have worn a T-shirt once that said something and wearing a mask is the perfect T-shirt for self-expression, if not just being totally fashionable in times like this and perhaps making smiles or not. But in the end, it does make us all respectful of each other by wearing a mask.

So, wearing a mask or not has been a hot issue of this year 2020. However, to some of us, it has become the perfect accessory, as we stash our designer handbags and athletic events for future use.

I am now wearing my Seattle Mariners’ fabric-designed mask and looking forward to when they next play baseball and I can attend with my designer handbag and cheering loud without a mask.

Ms. Fashionista, I remain.

Harieklia Bryant

Birch Bay


The Editor

As a regular reader of The Northern Light, I have noticed the last two weekly crossword puzzles are out of whack. Has no one on staff noticed that the questions are not numbered properly to fit the boxes? Who provides the puzzles for the paper?

Everyone makes the occasional error, but two weeks in a row says someone on staff isn’t paying attention? Better to not print it if your provider is making the error. I realize a crossword puzzle is not as important as the news articles you print, which I greatly appreciate, but it’s really annoying to be given an unsolvable puzzle. Thank you for letting me express my opinion.

M.A. Call



Editor’s note: This was not the only reader who noticed that we goofed up the last two weeks of crossword puzzles. We’ll do better, we promise!


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