Blaine book club review: “The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” by Gabrielle Zevin


There are books that love books; books that extol the virtues of books; books that fixate on the very nature of books; and then there are books that are heartfelt love letters to the power of books. “The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” falls into the latter category.  

As one may guess, the novel revolves around the life of one A.J. Fikry, a bookstore proprietor on a small island community. We join Fikry’s story in medias res: He’s a surly mid-life widower who finds solace in the bottle over that of the company of others. With the loss of his wife, he’s lost the passion for life and his vocation. Fikry is ready to cash in on the sale of a rare book in his possession and retire early. However, on awakening from one of his nightly binges, Fikry finds the priceless book has been stolen in the night. From this premise, Gabrielle Zevin crafts a heartwarming story of connections, community, family, love, loss and grief, and, of course, the power of books and stories to heal and unite us. 

Zevin writes with wit and humor, in a light and approachable manner, but also digs deep into the hard places of life, keeping the story from becoming insipid or cloying. The story’s other protagonists are each intricate and fleshed out enough to warrant their own stories but play as perfect foils for A.J. Fikry’s journey. 

Where Zevin really shines in creating the story’s setting: a bookstore that is a community hub, with something to offer everyone, and a place that fosters true connection and

Community is something we all struggle to find at times in our lives and knowing that there’s a place to go to start to fill that void is reassuring, and it’s something all bookstores and libraries aspire to do. There are many meaningful elements that make up A.J. Fikry’s “storied life,” but perhaps most magical is the place for community his vocation fosters. 

“The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry” is the September selection for the Books and Bites book group. Read the book and then join Books and Bites at 1 p.m. Friday, September 15 at Blaine Public Library for a time of community and lively conversation. For more information on the event, visit the WCLS website at  

Jonathan Jakobitz is an avid reader and the branch manager of the Blaine Public Library.


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