Food bank rolls out new food closet


Point Roberts Food Bank has launched a new 24-hour “food closet” at its location on the corner of Gulf and Teller roads to provide continuous access to essential food items. The initiative aims to meet growing community needs with a convenient, accessible solution. “The food bank is serving more people than ever before. We are currently feeding about 50 families and anywhere from 85-110 people a week,” said food bank president Ray Smith.

“We want to ensure everyone can access food whenever they need.”

Since acquiring the property a year ago, the food bank has used it for food and vehicle storage. Each Wednesday, the food is transported to the community center, where it is distributed to the public from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. The new food closet, constructed from donated materials and built by Holger Michelsen, offers canned goods like vegetables and pasta, with canned proteins to follow.

Additionally, the food closet features a donation area vetted by the food bank before distribution. Donations can also be dropped off at the International Marketplace or made monetarily at Umpqua Bank or on the food bank website, The food bank is always happy to welcome new volunteers for a couple of hours each Wednesday morning starting at 8 a.m. Those who are interested can contact the food bank through its website or can come in during distribution hours.

An open house will be held after the 4th of July parade from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the food closet. Refreshments will be provided.


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