454 results total, viewing 161 - 180

Letters to the Editor, February 4-10, 2021

The Editor: During the opening of the Washington State Legislature session in early January, I watched the speech on TVW by Doug Ericksen, our 42nd District state senator. Ericksen ridiculed the … more

Letters to the Editor, January 28-February 3, 2021

The Editor: Promoting the well discounted lies of Donald Trump, who fired up an attack on our capital, 143 members of Congress actively parroted his lies that attempted to disrupt validation of … more

Letters to the Editor, January 21-27, 2021

The Editor: The letters to the editor in the January 14 edition of The Northern Light proved that there is free speech in America. It is also healthy to allow and state a difference of opinion. … more

Letters to the Editor, January 14-20, 2021

The Editor: Thank you, Lynden Tribune, Joel Douglas and Gerald Hulbert for informing citizens so eloquently on pages A4 and A5 on January 6. Had the President ordered the testing and manufacturing … more

Letters to the Editor, January 7-13, 2021

The Editor: It was a real pleasure to see in last week’s  issue of The Northern Light the full-page advertisement highlighting the dozens and dozens of local properties sold by Jen … more

Letters to the Editor, December 31, 2020–January 6, 2021

The Editor “Those that can give up essential liberty to gain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” These words would bring scorn and contempt from many if … more

Letters to the Editor, December 17-23, 2020

The Editor: In the last few years, I have been continually plagued by the phrase: Make America Great Again (MAGA). It left me terribly baffled and anxious. Just what were we lacking, what was … more

Letters to the Editor, December 10-16, 2020

The Editor: As one who has lived his entire life in Whatcom County, I applaud the county’s decision to actively dismantle systemic racism through the allocation of taxpayer dollars and … more

Letters to the Editor, December 3-9, 2020

The Editor: I have been very disappointed recently with my own state senator (district 42), Doug Ericksen. Unlike my 42nd district representative, Republican Luanne Van Werven, who graciously … more

Letters to the Editor, November 25-December 2

The Editor: Are you a high school student looking to explore different career opportunities? If so, join Blaine high school and Yes Whatcom/Whatcom Business Alliance’s Virtual Career Fair on … more

Letters to the Editor, November 19-25, 2020

The Editor: Your article headline “Blaine, Birch Bay and Custer voted for Republicans across the board” was just not accurate. Every precinct in Blaine city limits was won by Biden. … more

Letters to the Editor, November 12-18, 2020

The Editor and Blaine residents: Have you visited the new Living Pantry on Peace Portal? My husband and I are delighted with this new store. They offer herbs and spices, skin lotions, shampoos, … more

Letters to the Editor, November 5-11, 2020

The Editor: Currently 230,000 people have passed away from Covid-19. (Johns Hopkins) It is shortsighted to think that if you have no underlying comorbidities and are young that it … more

Letters to the Editor: October 29-November 4, 2020

The Editor: I would like to thank our local UPS driver and a lady motorist for helping me with a traumatic incident yesterday on H Street and Ronald Drive. I was walking my dog at the nearby … more

Letters to the Editor, October 22-28, 2020

Editor’s note: This week’s issue is the last one in which The Northern Light will accept political letters for this election cycle. We will continue to publish political letters … more

Letters to the Editor, October 15-21, 2020

The Editor: Recently, there has been expressed more concern for the elderly since the Covid-19 pandemic. It may be timely to establish a group to protest what other concerns this age group has. It … more

Letters to the Editor, October 8-14, 2020

  The Editor: Lynden is a basketball town so may recognize that the "winningest coach in state history"(Seattle Times) passed away on Monday, September 14. Coach Ed Pepple (882-237) at … more

Letters to the Editor, October 1-8, 2020

The Editor: We are the biggest supporters of Alicia Rule, a lovely woman who is running for 42nd District state representative in Olympia. Sharon Shewmake is the incumbent representative for the … more

Letters to the Editor, September 24-30, 2020

The Editor: With the presidential election taking most of our attention, it is important not to shortchange the “down ballot” races. There is nothing “down” about them. Who … more

Letters to the Editor, September 17-23, 2020

The Editor: I am voicing my frustration. It is a mandate to wear a mask, meaning recommended and not a law. It is recognized that some people cannot wear a mask. I happen to be one of those. When … more
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